Clinton County Municipal Court
Tuesday March 4
Traffic Division Criminal Division Civil Division Small Claims Division
Search Court Records

Hearing Date:
/ /

Ticket #:

Date of Birth:
/ /
Case #:


Law Enforcement click here (requires login and password)

Search tips:
You can only search by one field at a time unless searching by name, in which case, date of birth is also allowed.

The date of birth field can only be used when searching by name (a date of birth search alone is not allowed).

When searching by name, you will find more matches if you enter the last name only. If using first and last name, enter last name then first name separated by a comma and a space ', ' (i.e. last_name, first_name).

When searching by case number or ticket number, enter the numbers only, no dashes or letters. (i.e. 0412345)

When searching by file date or hearing date, be sure month, day, and year fields are filled in.

The data for the record search was last updated on Thursday December 12 2013 at 10:13 PM.

Henschen & Associates, Inc. - All rights reserved